Certificazione ISO 9001: finalità e garanzie.
What is the ISO 9001 certification?
The ISO 9001 certification is part of ISO 9000 certifications which, according to the International Organisation for Standardisation, outline the basic requirements for quality management systems within companies. ISO 9001 is the best known and most widely used standard; it is a certification awarded to companies whose activities correspond to certain specifications and whose product creation/service-related phases can all be traced and verified by the consumer.
The ISO 9001 certification is requested from a Certifying Body, through a consulting firm specialising in quality management systems. It has a three-year duration, after which, it can be renewed.
What does quality mean?
Quality is defined as “the set of characteristics that enable a product/service to meet the expressed and implicit needs.”
The characteristics involved in a product’s quality are:
- Performance: the ability to respond to user expectations;
- Conformity: the ability to comply with the characteristics required by the manufacturer;
- Reliability: providing a defect-free product that works as intended;
- Duration: the right window of time between the product’s purchase and any consequent repairs;
- The perceived image: the brand’s ability to influence the propensity to buy;
- The service: the ability to promptly and adequately respond to any requests for assistance.
- Quality control: the presence of a department dedicated specifically to the product quality control.
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In order for quality to be guaranteed, the companies must possess the tools and procedures required to control every stage of the production process, such as those even we at TOMMASIN UTENSILI must follow.
Controls must be implemented in the 4 main phases:
- During the design stage: to ensure that all procedures have been put in place to obtain the best possible product design.
- During the preliminary phase: to check the quality of the components, materials and techniques that will be used during the production process.
- During the construction phase: to ensure that the construction is being carried out as specified.
- During the production or functional testing phase: to ensure that the manufactured produced meets the predetermined performance levels.
The purpose of ISO 9001
The purpose of ISO 9001 is to prompt companies to continuously and constantly, by:
- Increasing efficiency.
- Reducing costs
- Customer loyalty
- Optimising the organisational structure
The ISO 9001 certification does not explain how to set up the management model from a qualitative point of view, but defines how and which objectives to achieve, by means of seven key principles of quality management.
- Customer focus
- Leadership
- People’s engagement
- Process approach
- Improvement
- Evidence-based decision making
- Relationship management
What are the advantages to possessing the ISO 9001 certification?
An ISO 9001-certified company, such as TOMMASIN UTENSILI, is a company that:
- Has implemented an adequate quality management system for its products and processes.
- Analyses and understands customer needs and expectations, as well as regulatory requirements.
- Guarantees that the product’s characteristics will meet the requirements of the customers and any applicable regulatory requirements.
- Ensures that the necessary processes are put in place to finalise the expected results.
- Guarantees that the resources required to support and monitor activities are in place.
- Monitors that the characteristics established for the product are being respected.
- Undertakes to prevent and resolve any non-conformities.
- Has implemented an effective internal audit cycle and management review.
- Continuously monitors and improves the effectiveness of its quality management system.
- Monitora e migliora in modo continuativo l’efficacia del suo sistema di gestione della qualità.