The service life of tools: how to increase it.
How to improve the service life of tools
To increase the service life of tools, simply subject them to a regeneration treatment. Tool regeneration consists of sharpening or recoating procedures, which restore functionality, precision and initial resistance, in turn optimising the tool’s service life.
What are the benefits to increasing the service life of tools?
By regenerating your tool, you can improve its durability and check for wear. This extremely convenient process guarantees:
- Savings of up to 60%, compared to a new purchase.
- An increased cost-efficiency.
- The same quality and the initial tool performance.
- The protection of the environment and resources.
How does the TOMMASIN regeneration process work?
Here at TOMMASIN, we are aware of how important this process is, and it is for this reason, that we offer the following with all TOMMASIN tools:
- An initial damage analysis service to assess whether or not the tool in question can be regenerated.
- Sharpening and recoating.
- Geometry restoration.
In fact, TOMMASIN UTENSILI boasts a specialised department that deals exclusively with these services, in order to guarantee fast times and high quality to all our customers.